No wiec ostatecznie opuscilysmy Sarajewo, choc nie ukrywam ze mamy w planach zatrzymanie sie tam w drodze powrotnej.. Artur tak bardzo nas pokochal, a zwlaszcza nasze sprzatanie i gotowanie ze nie chcial nas wypuscic z domu My oczywiscie tez go pokochalysmy opieka i goscinnosc nie do opisania! Volim te!
No wiec pierwszego stopa w Sarajewie zlapalysmy bardzo szybko. Poczatek ciekawy, ale przez kolejne 9 godzin nie bylo tak wesolo! Poprostu koszmar!! Plan byl taki ze w jeden dzien zrobimy trase z Sarajewa do Salonik w Grecji w ciagu jednego dnia - okolo 700km. Co to dla nas Ale nie wiedzialysmy ze przez 9 godzin zrobimy ledwo 200km!! Trasy lokalne, bez autostrad, krete gorzyste drogi. Mialysmy 12 samochodow, kazdy wiozl nie wiecej niz 30km, czasem tylko 5km. Puste ulice, znowu parzace slonce dokuczalo. 44stopni po przekroczeniu bosniacko-serbskiej granicy! Normalnie Dramat! Oczywiscie bez lokalnej waluty w Serbi, (bo w koncu mialysmy przejechac ja w jeden dzien) w jakims malym miasteczku, nawet nie w polowie Serbi a juz napewno nie w polowie trasy do Salonik. Juz zdalysmy sobie sprawe ze bedziemy musialy nocowac w tym kraju, ale chcialysmy sie chociaz dostac do autostrady, gdzie jest wiecej ludzi, swiatel, stacji benzynowych i prawdopodobnych miejsc na namiotowanie. Juz prawie ciemnosc, a my na bezludnej wyspie. Caly dzien piekne widoki. Oczy nas bolay od tego piekna! ale w czarnej dziurze...
Z dziennika Karoliny:
...Sytuacja praktycznie beznadziejna...Nie mialysmy za wiele do jedzenia, nie wspominajac nawet o lokalnej walucie, w ktora sie nie zaopatrzylysmy, bo przeciez do Salonik dojedziemy w jeden dzien! W Serbii obowiazuja dinary, 1 euro to okolo 115-117 dinarow. My nie mialysmy przy sobie nawet jednego. Lokalny kantor juz dawno zamkniety na milion spustow i na to wszystko czepia sie nas podejrzany lokalny typ, co to sie nadziwic nie moze ze my z Polski autostopem...W momencie, kiedy zastanawialysmy sie nad pochlonieciem ostatniego sarajewskiego chlebka prawdziwy CUD!!! Aniol zeslany przez niebiosa, nagroda za caly dzien podrozy w skwarze, kurzu i pocie! Dejan z Aleksandrovaca Zupskiego!!!
Dejan zaoferowal nam podwozke jakies 50km. Ale gdy sie dowiedzial jaki mamy plan to szybko go nam zmienil. Zabral nas najpierw na piekna kolacje do swojej ulubionej restauracji, w drodze do niej weszlismy do kina 5D na 6minutowy fim, ktory wzbudzil w nas emocje jakich dawno nie mialysmy. Oczywiscie nawet nie pozwolil nam kempingowac tej nocy. Zabral nas do domu swoich rodzicow na noc, ale takze wyciagnal nas tego wieczo niezlaru na impreze z jego znajomymi. Balowalismy do rana i poszlysmy spac w pierzyny...
Nastepnego dnia kolo 12 Dejan mial podwiesc nas 40km do przodu do samej autostrady, ale przy porannym soczku powiedzial ze jednak moze na podwiesc 100km do przodu za najblizsze wieksze miasto Nis do autostrady. Zwiedzilysmy troche Nis, ale szczerze mowiac nic specjalnego. Wpadlismy jeszcze na herbatke do siostry Dejana, a po herbatce powiedzial ze podwiezie nas jednak az do granicy macedonskiej!! Gdy zapytalam dlaczego to wszystko dla nas robi, powiedzial ze szkoda mu zostawiac nas na ulicy, Do tej porsy zabieral zazwyczaj autostopowiczow z serbi, miejscowych, ludzi ktorzy tam mieszkali. Bylysmy pierwszymi jego zagranicznymi autostopowiczkami. Nadrobil prawie 400km dla nas. To sie nazywa dobre serce. Wiec tak znalazlysmy sie na granicy w bardzo szybkim tempie.
A to tajemnicze drzewo z Nis. Kto zna jego nazwe lub pochodzenie prosimy o pomoc bo miejscowi nie wiedzieli.
At the serbian-macedonian border only few minuts take us to stop John. The Cutest man on the road! Half greek half german took as to the greek border. We didn't want to leave his car! Nice music, nice company! Was great! ηταν πολυ ωραιο το οτι ταξιδεψαμε μαζι σου και ελπιζψ να ξανασυναντηθουμε...
We find this border very wierd! Most of the cars stoped right after they pass gates. They parked them on the street. Cars were full of peopel, carrying all family. What they did when they parked? Women prepared a bed for the driver - man - on the street! So many peopel slept on the street and sidewalk. At the time the man was sleeping, women and her childrens were playing around cars, they were eating some sandwiches, they were waiting till the man get rest. Every second car stoped here and we still don't know exactly why!
And at the time I was writing name of our destination we stoped another car was fast! We are in Saloniki now! The adventure already started!
And that's our Lord of the Athens!! My friend from the time I've been studying here. He came to Thesaloniki to visit his friend Mario. Thats why we all met here. Now we are in Marios place. We all have fun as those greek people are very different than us. Different way of living, thinking, acting. The most important thing - do not make any plan! Don't plan your day, ur evening and definitly don't plan next day evening. So if there something we don't know - just accept it! do not ask, let it go, let it flow. Sometime it's hard to get use to it, but we really try! We love this way of living, it may probably affect us in our lifes after trip...
And this is Mario!! Mario jest zajebisty gosc! So hospitable! So lovely! We're staying in his place now in Thesaloniki. He let us do anything we want And he's so relaxed as all other greek people. He traveld a lot in his life, he knows so many things, actually I bet he knows everything Mario we are really thankfull for you sweetnes!
And the Adventure started! We went to Halkidiki today, for few days to swim in a beautiful place! Thats why we all meet in Saloniki! We were going to spend three lazy days at the best beach in northen Greece. But I said adventure started Our car has stoped in half way to this great destination! And the guys at this pictures are thinking what happened... Karolina explained them everything. What is wrong and what had happened - "Guys! Not enough cooling liquid to cool you engine"...
So I went with her to the nearest petrol station, we bought cooling liquide and she fill it up. "So now we wait" We played chineese game on the street full of cars - in the shadow. Nothing helped!...
We had to take car back to the city, engine was totally broken. so that was end of trip to Halkidiki. 37 degrees and no place to swim. We had realy fun with those guys! they keep being happy! And what most important: Do not make any plan for tonight!
So we came back to Thesaloniki bit in this way bit hitch-hiking. End of trip! We are going to Athens tomorow to pick up our friend who is coming to visit us here!
So the plan was to get up at 8am and go hitch-hiking to Athens. It's 11am at Marios house. Birdy was snoring so loud that was hard to sleep well this night. Trip to Athens from Saloniki was real disaster. We had to walk maybe 5km to rich end of city, sun so up, no buses, no one stoped, we coudn't find proper place to hitch-hiking. I think that was the worst time we had on the road. I had such a big head ache that i though I'm going to die there. Finnaly we catched firts car and then was much easier. We took highway from Saloniki to Athens, they were so empty! No cars there! No petrol stations! If the driver would leave us on this road we could wait there all day long! Fortunately he left us on the bigest gas station we saw on the road and before we seat and eat he talk to another driver and he found transport to Athens for us. We finnaly reach Athens!!
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