USA East to West / part 4

Next day we woke up early. Weather didn't let us go to see presidents in the rock. Clouds were very low and we still had to go up the hill to see them. Good thing I saw a face profile of one of president last night and I took a picture of it. Haha. We drove here such a long time see them and now we couldn't. I wasn't really upset about that. This is a road trip. No matter what happen we are going to enjoy it and have fun. So we did :)

Two days ago we got stuck in one place because of difficult road conditions. At the beginning we planned to go through Montana. But after travelling trough Minnesota we preferred not to risk driving upper part of the country. Montana is wilder than Dakota, further away from civilisation and petrol stations. And of course there is more snow and much colder. We were afraid that we can get stuck in snowdrifts. So we decided to go south.

We left Rushmore, passed some small towns and drove a long time in mountains. Roads were covered with snow and slippery. That was quite difficult and tiring part of this day. One-third of today's route was in this weather condition. We couldn't sleep well that night so we were exhausted. Outside so grey that we almost fall asleep behind the steering wheel. 

But we keep driving with hope something will change in some point. but it didn't. Dark, grey, wet and slippery. We wanted to eat but we didn't know what we wanted. We wanted to stop we we didn't know where to stop. This day was so weird that we didn't know what was going on with us. Or maybe with weather?

Weather changed every two hours. Snow changed to sun. Fog to rain. That was crazy. Maybe thats why we didn't know what to do with ourselves. Weather changed as our cravings. This picture tells you about our road conditions.
Lets do something or I'll fall asleep! So lets go and stop to wash car windows at the gas station….
Im taking so many pictures that I already used like three huge bottles of washing liquid for my windshield. But at every stop I had to clean sides car windows as well and you probably know why…
Finally we got nice present from God I think. All the clouds parted to the side and sun came out for good!

That was amazing view at the end of the day! It was the best end could ever happen after such a awful weather and hard road conditions. Now you can watch road short movie from this day:

Read about next part of our trip here.

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