California- West Coast / part 1

California - West Coast from San Francisco to Point Lobos Park. Ocean on the right and mountains on the left. Everything is so green and blue. We could stop every few miles to take picture because after every turn was another beautiful place. But we wanted to rich Point Lobos Park with elephant seals before sunset. We heard that hundreds of them are laying on the beach at this time of year. And Point Lobos was perfect place to see them...

Nice and friendly organic shop on the way...

We reached Point Lobos Park right before sunset but we didn't see any elephants seals. We could hear them but it wasn't possible to see. So we just walk a bit at the park before got dark and we drove to our hotel. We decided we are coming back here next morning. So have a look at this beautiful sunset at the West Coast of California.

California West Coast / part 2

San Diego - Old Town

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EWA SO - Fotograf Poznań