New Year 2014

Last year for me was like collapsing path of domino. Literally! Throughout the year a one domino piece collapse on another piece which also fall down to another piece. All one after another collapsing on my eyes. I know it sounds dramatic but more or less just been so. And I do not feel sorry for this because as it is in domino everything is falling down at the same time brings us joy :) And so it was with me. Difficult moments were good lessons for me thanks to which I could learn a lot and become a better person. And best after such a hurricane is it that all the domino pieces are neatly arranged inside the box.  I can see my domino pieces already fall down just right now and Im about to arrange them in a box. Maybe one day I'll get them again to build a path but I think it's not going to be as long as the last time. Next year I want to play domino as everybody does, lay down piece next to another piece so that the numbers on adjacent dominoes match each other… If you know what I mean :)
There are some moments from last year which I never forget:

"Purification" as the bleeding of. I took this self-portrait at the beginning of this year. I felt that time like something just finished. I didn't know yet that was only the beginning of  something what finished with the end of this year. After a year I can see that there is some more details I could work on but anyway this is very meaningful picture for me. I was inspired by my favourite photographer Tim Walker. Ania helped me with make-up and styling. 

Another meaningful project for me was "I am Woman" inspired by a song "I am woman" from "Sex and the City". There was 13 of us, only girls in one studio eating, dancing, dressing up and appreciating that we are women. Each of us had our difficult transitions but still each of us are able to enjoy life and everyone is full of energy, healthy and beautiful. You can see short video here and more pictures on my sisters blog here.

England's Cliffs and lessons which I didn't understand that time.

I heard really nice text in the movie I've watched yesterday, so Im gonna share it with you. There was a woman who said that new year is a good time to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by, to remember both our triumphs and our missteps. Our promises made and broken, the times we opened up ourselves up to great adventures or close ourself down for fear of getting hurt. Because that's what new year is all about - getting another chance. A chance to forgive. To do better, to do more, to give more, to love more. And stop worrying about what if and start embracing what will be. I would even say start embracing here and now!

Moving to my home town Bialystok

…and exploring there new roads, new people and new me.

Trip to Scotland.

And "Play of life" photo shoot at the end of the year which I wrote about before on my blog (read here)

Someone said: If there is something you don't like in your life, just change it or accept. I try to do that but sometimes I forget about that. It's not always so easy. But remember if you want to achieve something new in your life you have to start doing something new. This is easy :D

I am grateful for what I have experienced, I discovered, learned, for all the failures and successes. I'm really grateful! Thank you!

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