First impression about America

My first impression about America is - Everything is HUGE and DIFFERENT! But first I'll say something about HUGE. Huge or at least very BIG. It's all about BIG. Americans love big, they love to do big things, to have big things. And the first big thing that almost all Americans have is a car, especially those who live in the suburbs …

…large with four-wheel drive for long distances as streets here are big as well. They are wide, very very wide and long. Main streets here looks like our polish high ways - two or three lines. Even traffic lights are big…

Theirs shops are also big. Actually I don't know if I can say shop as they having Plazas here not shops. You won't find a small grocery shop anywhere in suburbs. Plaza is a cluster of stores in one place. But it is not a shopping centre under the roof. Every shop is separated. And all of them are (of course) big! You can find everything in Plaza - food markets, clothes, pharmacies, restaurants, banks, pets shops and much more. There is many Plazas in every district but if you go there you need to do (of course) big shopping. If you run out of cream for pancakes you are eating pancakes without cream and next day in Plaza you are buying five creams for next week. You never buy only one thing because going to the Plaza is like a trip.
This kind of boards are at the entrance to every Plaza:

This is one of my best food stores - Whole Foods. You can buy there only high quality food. Doesn't matter if its chicken, crisps, wine, milk, eggs or fruits. Everything looks so good that shopping there it is just a pleasure:
Best vegetable selection.

Fruits ready to eat:
Everything is arranged in due order.
Nuts and dry fruits:
Huge cheese selection:

 Alternative milk…
…and Maple Syrups. I've never seen this amount of Maple Syrups in one place. In Poland they are very expensive and it isn't so popular product as here.

And my drugs! The best chocolates ever! Oh my yummy! So many of them that when it comes to shopping Im freaking out!
And fresh hot food ready to eat here or take away. Soups, vegetables, pasta, meet, olives, sushi and everything you could imagine. Another Yummy! We eat here almost every day.

Im writing about that shop because we don't have this kind of stores in Poland. So beautiful and tasty shop! One of my favourite! But did you realize that this shop is also BIG?

So your shopping are big, your pepper is big, your tea spoon is big, your fridge is big, your couch is big and your life is also big.

Now let's see only few things which are different here than in Poland… 
Baths are low as for dwarfs and toilets always full of water. This is new for me and definitely for many european citizens.
Washing machines are huge and you can wash your clothes in 10 minutes. They are big and fast. There is no need to do your laundry for 2 hours as it is in Poland. I won't even mention that the dryer is an integral part of the wash.
You have stop signs from every side of cross roads which have no traffic lights. When you driving you always need to stop there and who first reached cross roads this goes first.

You can fire up your car while you are still at home with your iPhone. So if you leave the house you get into a warm car. If you go to a car dealer to buy a new car you get the car straight away without waiting for it three months. Any car you want to buy you get it the same day as you arrive to the shop. You also have ATMs for cars, there is no need to go out of your car if you need to use ATM. And if we talk about banks you can withdraw your check by taking a picture of it and sending this picture to the bank via email. Then the bank sends you your money to your account. It's so easy!

There is many different things than in Poland, way of life is completely different. Everywhere I go I discover something new. I traveled through many countries of Europe but trust me, this planet here is completely different and so far I like it.

Oh, I would forget about one thing…

EVERYBODY has iSomething. iPhone, iPad, iMac or iDon'tKnow whatever with "i" and if you feel like a real citizen of America you have whole "i" package: iPhone, iPad, iMac, iSpeakers, iHeadphones, iPlugs, iVitamines - HIGH  iLife! And this is what really  iLike!                                     iFeel iBelong iHere! :D YUPI!

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