My Garden

My Garden is my Master Degree project from 2010. Four pictures taken at four different seasons. Those seasons were very mining full for me as they strongly alluded to my personal life. That was the moment when my life change a lot. Or perhaps more my consciousness than me.
Please have a look at pictures and video which shows how pictures were done. Read everything I had to say and if you still have questions don't hesitate to ask. 

Each of us has his own world and perceive reality differently, but all worlds are equally real. I present here mine own world. Or rather his inner transformation. It is a kind of step inside of me and getting to know my true self. Escape from the material world, which for me was "all  that time (My Garden I), to a place where "everything" is no longer needed (My Garden IV). Journey through which I woke up from a dream. Thanks to it I noticed that I go through life by previously learned patterns, from which now I could be free (My Garden II). This cleansing disrupted my entire current system of value that I had to create from begining. Journey which aroused in me the fear and helplessness (My Garden III). A kind of death followed by the birth (My Garden IV).

My Garden I
‘’We think survival is our purpose in life.  However, objects, events or relations with other people become more important than us.’’
Collin P. Sisson

My Garden II
‘’When your ego is no more only then will you know who you are.’’

My Garden III
‘’There is always fear when encountering the unknown, because what is unknown for us is death.’’
 Ewa Foley

My Garden IV
‘’There is time for evolution of every soul, when growth of spirit becomes the main concern, and not survival of the body...
The Spirit is what it is, no matter what the body does.’’
Neale Donald Walsh

The entire project has developed gradually. At the beginning I didn't know how it will end and how it will look in the end. I started by drawing the first picture:

I knew a lot of work waiting for me because my intention was to create a space in the garden which looks like room full of everyday items, clothing, books and all the material things. From the beginning I knew it's going to be panoramic photo. My garden was perfect for this picture. It wasn't very big but enough for my project. Creation of such an area requiring the involvement of several people. So I knew that if I invite someone to help I need to be prepared for this photo shoot absolutely perfect. I had to know where to put all those things, furniture and all other stuff before I invite my friend to help me. I had to arrange everything for tip top! As you know the weather in London is often surprising. You never know when it starts to rain. I had to be well prepared for this as well. I carried to the garden lights adorning the room and studio lights which I used to illuminate the scenery. So extensions were every where around the garden. I also had to plan how many of them I would need for this photo shoot. 

I had a big sketchbook where I wrote all my ideas about this project. Everything I learned or I find out from my test shoots. Before first final photo shoot I took some samples pictures to make sure how Im going to crop my picture, how I arrange this space etc. Of course I followed the weather for the next few weeks and to what extent this is true what they say online. Have a look at my sketchbook and samples pictures below.

Image consisted of middle part, left and right. I knew that every part is going to be montage with different lighting, studio light, daylight and artificial. I had to know exactly how it will look assembling such image in photoshop.

When me and my sister move in to the apartment, the garden was very untidy. Covered with weeds and nettles. To use the garden had to clean it first. We cleared the land and sow grass. We worked in the garden a good few weeks.

One morning when I went into the garden I saw the big tree lies there. Last night was such a big storm that broke a neighbour's tree and all fell on our garden. I couldn't take any pictures when it was laying there. It was so big that it took all the space. When I asked my neighbour if he could help me take this tree away from the garden, he said that it isn't his garden and he doesn't care what happens on my side. So me and my sister need to figure out how to take this out.

I had to also know how the items should illuminate. What kind of light with what intensity and in which direction.

Test shoots.

Other photos didn't require as much work as the first image. Ideas came to mind by itself. I thought a lot about the project and sometimes the ideas came at night during sleep or immediately after waking up. Third pictures I took at 4am. When I woke up I   saw garden covered by snow. That was the time when the snow hasn't remained for long on the ground. So I knew that if I'll wait until morning snow will despair.  I got up, took few pictures and wen't to sleep again. Other pictures I took spontaneously. Way of working was very appropriate to the mood of each photo. I really felt this project as if he came to me by itself.

I documented all test shots and final photo shoots. I combined all pictures together and made a short movie from backstage which you can watch bellow.

Backstage pictures and my great team!

And some leftovers which I never used but I like :D

Thank you all for you help and support with this project <3

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EWA SO - Fotograf Poznań