USA East to West / last part

Ok! We are in Seattle right now and we are really happy we arrived all and safe! So many hours and so many miles behind us! 

Last day was quiet easy. We had only 5hours to drive. We didn't rush at all. Slowly breakfast, fitness gym and swimming pool before we left hotel. Easy day as never. Nice landscapes, nice weather…

But suddenly we stuck in traffic! I laughed at the beginning that we can stuck in traffic for 3 hours and we won't come home as early as we thought. And unfortunately that was true. Some serious accident in the mountains. That was horrible accident. I don't even want to talk about this. But weather conditions wasn't easy to drive in this part of Oregon. We couldn't see anything. It was really scary. No wonder why some crazy truck drivers drove off the road.

But after all we found nice restaurant and had the best diner ever! We moved on, few hours left… 

They call Washington a green state. It is green but maybe not at this time. I could see only grey fields which are probably green during summer. Lots of farms everywhere around!

I asked Ania to wrote some summary for me so here you go:

"East to West is like hot and cold, nothing blah… and nothing boring, no grey area, extreme, totally extreme, this is exactly how we would describe you our trip across America. We have seen the Earth going though hot flashes: from cold to hot, dry and windy, snowy and icy! Wow, no words, no videos and no pictures could possibly describe what we have experienced.
We left Chicago thinking, nothing worse than this winter could happen, but 20 miles later we have found out, we were so wrong. We were both in separate cars, trying to stay on the phone to keep each other company. It became dark quickly and we had freezing rain! I don’t ever remember myself driving so super connected to steering wheel! It was insanely intense feeling. We were moving extremely slowly and carefully, but we didn’t feel secure! I felt as if I was actually walking this road, my muscles were so tensed. We were laughing like crazy, but I can’t tell you why.
It was not getting any better, not at all! We came across some blizzard, visibility zero, zero at all, wow… we had our hotel booked prior to our trip, but we would have prefer to take another one just to stop driving, well guess what… We were in no mans world! The only people we have came across were in the ditches saying some kinda preyer… 
We knew then we needed to change the direction of our trip towards down south. The moment we decided to do it they closed any outlets to go down south! Unbelievable, we just thought we came up with genius idea and….. boom…mission impossible. Road closed and we had no other choice but to stay in one of the local hotel, we were lucky cause everything else was completely sold out. We were sleeping and hoping for this dream to come to end soon.

New day has started wonderfully, they opened the interstate, it felt as if we could walk into a promised land. And we did only too many people again in the ditches, can’t tell you enough how many. We were driving so slow, everyone was passing us, we got a chance to see each other soon again just not on the  correct side of the road.

We have seen great part of countryside, we have passed continental divide, what a cool feeling. This was a great travel, great trip, great experience!. I had shivers from what I have seen and what I have encountered. It will always stay with me, I hope I have encouraged you to do the same when you will get the chance, its worth every fear you feel and every laughter…"

We are here. Seattle. We have made huge distance! 14 states. 6000km/3700miles. 
Thank you all for your support and hope you are going to enjoy our next trip :D

Read first part of this trip here.

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